Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The EXCEPTIONAL Warmth of Handong Students

One thing that is very apparent as you walk around Handong University-the students are (in general) much more caring and attentive to other people. It always amazes me how many sweet students are so quick to say, "HELLO!" as you pass them on the sidewalk or on the stairwell. Sometimes I recognize them as past students or someone I might have encountered elsewhere but many times they are simply students expressing love to whoever happens to cross their path. As the bible declares, "A happy heart makes the face cheerful!" (Proverbs 15:13 )
Such a contrast to my experience of first coming to Korea (Masan) in July, 2005. The people there (at least at that time in my neighborhood...) were so "poker-faced" and rarely or never smiled. I remember one student saying that to Koreans foreigners are a bunch of clown looking fools smiling at anyone they happen to see on the street. Wow! Was I ever hurt when I heard that and took it quite personally as I used to be quicker with a smile but have become "poker-faced" by life over the years. I pray that God's grace might continue to refine and purge the dross of my heart and make me quicker to smile and love.


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