Saturday, May 28, 2005

My Twin Brother!

This here "blog write-up" is an appreciation for my identical twin brother, Adam.
It was through Adam (and my uncle Dale) that I was led to the Lord. I'm very thankful that he kept insisting on sharing scripture with me and challenging me about my previously accepted Catholic beliefs! Thanks, Adam!!
Here is an email I received last week:
Well bro the above is my newly created blog. I truly love yours. It's great to see how you're doing and it's nice to be able to see so much of your life.....I'm looking forward to learning more about blogging. It's 2am here and I just gave myself a crash course. Love you bro. P.S. If I can figure out how I'd like to have a link to your blogs on my blog. OK? Talk to you later. Love Adam.

My Twin Brother
The concept of twins is a mind boggling thing:
That a woman can have more than one son.
What could be the reasoning behind God's decision
To bring two lives in the place of just one?
The answer to such a question is complex
And the response didn't appear right away.
It's only now after really knowing my brother
That I start to understand this today.
My twin is my friend and supporter.
He listens and understands like no other.
I know what he thinks without speaking.
A twin is so much more than a brother.
Yet, there are times when we seem like oppponents;
Comparing and challenging ourselves.
Sometimes competing and sometimes supporting,
But in the long run, it's good for the health.
Were not Isaac and Eshua twin brothers?
This relationship a part of God's plan;
Eshua threw away his blessings for nothing
Giving Isaac inheritance and land.
My twin is a constant reminder
That in this world, there's another like me.
If only we could see each man as twin brother,
We'd all be so peaceful and free.
He knows just when to call me or write me.
To inform, to support or to laugh.
I thank him, I miss him, I love him.
My twin brother, AKA-"The Best Half".
(Andrew Brown)


Blogger Adam said...

Love you too!!! Adam

7:05 AM  

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