Monday, May 30, 2005

Nehemiah-Spiritual Revival

Our congregation finished a 6 sermon series on "The Lord's Prayer" found in Matthew chapter 6 a few weeks back. (It has been said that "The Lord's Prayer" is really found in John 17 and that Matthew 6 is best described as a "Model Prayer") Now, we are working our way through the book of Nehemiah. It is a great book to study for anyone seriously longing for revival in their life. The heart of today's sermon, on Nehemiah chapter 4, was in one statement Tim said which was, "The closer you get to the Lord-the bigger the work that God wants to do through you-the greater the resistance will be." Today (I should say Sunday), we looked at the following points:
1) We need to recognize the sources of discouragement.
A) From the enemy (v.1-3,7-8,11)
The enemy uses past failures (or successes!) BUT verse 6 says "the people had a heart to work"!
The Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon. This requires mental and spiritual endurance and preparation to run to the end.
B) From those close to us (v.12)
The people were influenced by the plans of the enemy rather than those of God
Our pastor gave a good example of how when the USSR crumbled the main opposition for evangelists were not from secular sources but from the Orthodox church who did not want to "give up power".
C) From our own disillusionment (v10)
If you give in, you will miss out on one of the biggest miracles of your life.
2)We need to overcome the temptation to surrender to discouragement
A) through prayer (v.4-5) (Matt. 5:44)
B) Watch and pray (v.13-14)
1) Remain vigilant against the enemy (v.9)
2) Renew the vision of your calling (v.13-14)
3) Remember the Lord of your calling (v.14)
C) Work, Watch and Pray (v.15-20)
Sadly, though, instead of fighting for and helping out our "weak areas" in the church (those who need prayer) we too often criticize and point fingers instead of aiding! We do it backwards and attack instead of help like we are commanded to do in Hebrews 10:24.

One of my favorite points of the sermon was a personal story of our pastor's grandmother, only 4 foot 9, walking up to a group of ladies gossiping and she said, "Any jackass can kick down a barn. It takes a master craftsman to build up a barn. Are you going to be jackass or a master craftsman?!" As Tim said, "There are people out there who need to hear that."
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." (Matthew 5:6)


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