"Grading Guidelines...."
Grading Guidelines for DLE core classes.
Department of Language Education, Handong Global University
Ao and A+ - maximum of 30%
Bo and higher - maximum of 70%
Co and higher - maximum of 100%
Conditions: -This guidline is applicable to EF (English Foundation), EC (English Communication), ERD (English Reading and Discussion) and EGC (English Grammar and Composition) classes.
One thought enters my mind as I finish calculating my EGC class grades: "THANK GOD OUR LORD DOESN'T MARK ON THE CURVE!" Imagine if God was like that, "Yes, my son, I know that you put your faith in my Son, Jesus, but I can only allow 30% of the population to enter Heaven!" Thanks God that there are no prerequisites other than being covered by the blood of The Lamb!
Out of 2 sections of EGC (a class of 17 students and another of 16)
4 got A+
6 got A
3 got B+
9 got B
3 got C+
1 got C
1 got D+
1 got D
5 got F (mostly due to attendance and incomplete assignments...)
Now, technically, according to these "rules", I should only give 9.9 people As but as a few of them are kind of short, I guess that's okay, ha!ha!
Korean universities are known for giving out As like candy so part of me understands the need for such a mark distribution rule. They had a similar policy in Catholic University where I worked 2 years and no one seemed to have a problem with it there. My concern is that it will not work (and create fear/anger towards English courses) if the WHOLE university does not implement this policy. As crazy as it sounds, only our English department is following this policy to the letter. There are departments at Handong in which 89% of the students received As!!!! Can you believe it?!
Department of Language Education, Handong Global University
Ao and A+ - maximum of 30%
Bo and higher - maximum of 70%
Co and higher - maximum of 100%
Conditions: -This guidline is applicable to EF (English Foundation), EC (English Communication), ERD (English Reading and Discussion) and EGC (English Grammar and Composition) classes.
One thought enters my mind as I finish calculating my EGC class grades: "THANK GOD OUR LORD DOESN'T MARK ON THE CURVE!" Imagine if God was like that, "Yes, my son, I know that you put your faith in my Son, Jesus, but I can only allow 30% of the population to enter Heaven!" Thanks God that there are no prerequisites other than being covered by the blood of The Lamb!
Out of 2 sections of EGC (a class of 17 students and another of 16)
4 got A+
6 got A
3 got B+
9 got B
3 got C+
1 got C
1 got D+
1 got D
5 got F (mostly due to attendance and incomplete assignments...)
Now, technically, according to these "rules", I should only give 9.9 people As but as a few of them are kind of short, I guess that's okay, ha!ha!
Korean universities are known for giving out As like candy so part of me understands the need for such a mark distribution rule. They had a similar policy in Catholic University where I worked 2 years and no one seemed to have a problem with it there. My concern is that it will not work (and create fear/anger towards English courses) if the WHOLE university does not implement this policy. As crazy as it sounds, only our English department is following this policy to the letter. There are departments at Handong in which 89% of the students received As!!!! Can you believe it?!
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