Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Never Again!

"The day after Christmas, the world was shocked by a disaster of unprecedented proportions. The massive earthquake off the shores of Indonesia and the tsunami it triggered impacted nations across Asia and even Africa.
International Mission Board personnel were immediately ministering on the scene. Southern Baptists responded with phenomenal generosity, enabling missionaries and volunteers to minister to survivors and build relationships that are making a kingdom impact.
However, there is a greater tragedy than the destruction and loss of life: the fact that more than 200,000 souls were instantly swept into hell. There was nothing we could have done to prevent the deaths, but could we have done more to see that those who died could have known of the eternal hope that Jesus provides?
May this alert us to the tragic lostness of those without the gospel; may it give us a sense of urgency for getting the gospel to all peoples so that never again will people enter eternity without Christ because they never heard.
Jerry Rankin,
International Board President
(from "To the ends of the earth", International Mission Board, SBC, published 4 times/year)


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