Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Treasures Heard from the SIBC Pulpit

"Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place!"

"You never see a U-haul trailer behind a hearse."

"If you could sum up the Bible in 1 word it would be reconciliation."

"If you came to hear a sermon, you'll be disappointed. I hope you have come to hear God speak to you directly."

"We are all called to be members of the body. I guess Andrew (not me-a new guy!) is the funny bone of the body!"

"When you're angry, don't say anything. Once you say something, you can't unsay it."

"Like that old song says, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love...What is love? The Bible tells us-GOD is love."

"When someone says that they thought a sermon was boring, that tells me more about that person's spiritual condition than the sermon."

"People will tell you, "Religion is personal and private." Personal, maybe but not private. God was not executed in a closet for you!"

"Jesus Christ is the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6). Put Him on. He alone has the power."

"The dangerous attitude of the 21st Century is that we have outgrown the need for God. Everything you have comes from God. Don't get caught in the trap that you are "self-sufficient".

" easy a child could understand. So deep, volumes have been written on this 1 verse."


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