Tsunamis, Tornadoes & Earthquakes....
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good".(Genesis 1:31)
God says to Adam; "Cursed is the ground because of you".(Genesis 3:17)
Dear Colleagues:
One of the most common questions that people ask about God is; "If God really exists, why He allows natural disasters like tsunami, hurricane and the earthquake that recently hit many areas of the world we live?
Let us first remember that suffering and disasters are not part of God's original created order. The Bible says in Genesis 1:31 "and God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good". Secondly, we should acknowledge 'because sin entered the world,' the earth and everything around it has been affected.
One of the most comforting things for Christians to know when facing situations such as this quake in South Asia again is that God has a much bigger picture than what we see in the here and now. Without a doubt, many have been affected by the earthquake but God has promised in His word that he will comfort all those that are hurting and in need.
At times like this, we Christians have to put our resources together and be an extension of Christ to those who are hurting. Greg W., former Professor of HGU, and his family are serving for the victims of Tsunami in Srilanka. Unfortunately, his family is having a hard time suffering from some serious infections and diseaseas, and his mission work is facing a big financial difficulty. The Chaplain's office is planning to have 'Love Offering' at chapels. Let us join and help Greg and his work for the Lord!
[Faculty Devotion]Wed., 8:30 am at Hyoam, the Table
Sermon by Rev. Dae Ok Kim (On Fasting)
Prayer by Prof. Youn Sik Han
Peace be with you!
Pastor Henry W.
(from HGU Pastoral Letter, Oct.11,2005)
Now we know who to blame for tsunamis and earthquakes - Eve! It's all her fault! Let me ask you one thing - who decided to make hurricanes and tornadoes the punishment for Eve eating the fruit. It was supposedly God. Your God, if he exists, is the world's cruelest masochist. He/she/it is not worthy of being alive, much less ruler of the universe. Grow up and face reality, my friend. God is Santa Claus for grown-ups.
I suppose if I wrote such a comment as yours, I would choose to remain anonymous as well...What exactly is the purpose of your comment other than to hurl hatred and anger about? (I don't necessarily blame you, as I was the same way before accepting Christ.) If God dealt so harshly with Eve (and Adam's) sin, do you think the human race and all our collective sins can go unpunished?! So, no, it is not EVE's sin that causes hurricans and tornadoes but the collective sins of the world. (Praise God, for those of us whose have accepted the payment of sins on the cross of Calvary!!!) If God were NOT to a perfect judge, he would be the world's greatest pushover-which I can assure you, He is not. What a day that will be when you are standing before judgment before Almighty God who you pretended to believe was "Santa Claus for grown-ups". ho!ho! Better to accept the gift of mercy now than to find yourself with a stocking full of wrath.
ewww - I'm so scared! I'm sorry, Andy, but your empty threats of hellfire stopped working on me many years ago. Do you really think you help prove your god's goodness to remind us that he plans to condemn everyone to hell who doesn't believe like you. Yes, folks, the 30,000 Muslims just killed by god in an earthquake have a straight ticket to hell. I can't believe in a fairy god who has less compassion than I do.
Oh, that you only were scared! for "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7) but take heed lest the rest of the verse describe you - "but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
So hell is "an empty threat",huh? My Jesus clearly spoke of a real hell waiting for those who REJECT God's mercy.
Once again, this is proof that rejection of God (as in your case) is not a matter of the intellect but a matter of the heart. The truth is you want to be Lord of your own life and even your comments prove that you fit the description of the wicked that say "we will triumph with our tongues; we own our lips-who is our master?" (Psalm 12:4)
For your information, I make no "attempt" to prove God's goodness to you. This website is for family/friends (in Christ) to share glimpses of my life and to discuss the truths of the Bible. Please feel free to stay clear of this blog if you find it offensive to your lifestyle.
By the way, (this is something you could never understand as you are "spiritually dead" according to the Bible-(Ephesians 2:1)) God's goodness and hell go HAND IN HAND. If God did not punish sin (but He did already for those who accept in Jesus) then He would be weak, which He is not. Oh, that you would explore these things so that you may not find out too late that judgment day is not just an empty threat.
God does not "condemn those who don't believe"-they condemn themselves. The WHOLE WORLD is condemned-the fact that ANYONE could enter His presence is the good news! Thank God He made that provision through Christ.
That's quite an assumption you make, that 30,00 Muslims went to Hell. First of all, what makes you think they were all Muslim? There are Christians throughout the world including northern Pakistan.
Thank you for making me laugh today. Your last sentence is hilarious! You have more compassion than our creator, do you?! God wrote about such people more than 3,000 years ago in the book of Job:
"Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?" (Job 40:8)
Can you even hear yourself? All of your logic is either circular or assertion based on a book of fairy tales. I'm so happy that there were a handful of Christians in Pakistan. Now only 29,990 people go to hell. I certainly have far more compassion than the fantasy you worship. I never would have all the first born in a nation killed just to prove how powerful I am. I wouldn't order my followers to butcher innocent children. I wouldn't allow earthquakes. I wouldn't allow a hell to exist. I wouldn't have invented ticks, mosquitos, poisonous mushrooms, malaria, dysentery, cholera, small pox, AIDS, Alzheimer's, cancer, leukemia. I wouldn't have allowed the Holocaust. And I certainly wouldn't have made provision for a heaven where everyone I love can tell me how wonderful I am for all eternity. Your god is colossol jerk
Dear "anonymous",
Thank you for proving that this is a matter of the will and heart.
By the way, when you are able to create the entire universe and give breath to every living thing, then you can have a say in how things are done.
I believe that something is lost when communicating in the written form. People read "attitudes" and such into the writing which may not have been intended. The reason I write this is because I want you to know that I LOVE discussing spiritual matters and the things of God (which, as you have expressed in your opinion are "fairy tales") and don't even mind some healthy debate. However, there should be a reasonable amount of "grace" in the discussion.
You might notice that I no longer allow anonymous comments. I believe that you should not be ashamed of the comments you share. Part of the reason people (such as you) hide behind "anonymous" is that once we know who you are and what your lifestyle is like, all we can do is feel sorry for you and pray that God will intervene in your life.
I truly pray that God will do a mighty work in your life so that you may come to a realizaiton of your need for Him. Blessings!
"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who accuses God answer Him!" (Job 40:2)
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