Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Eternal Purses

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.(Luke 12:33)너희 소유를 팔아 구제하여 낡아지지 아니하는 배낭을 만들라 곧 하늘에 둔 바 다함이 없는 보물이니 거기는 도둑도 가까이 하는 일이 없고 좀도 먹는 일이 없느니라(누가복음 12:33)

"The Good Samaritan" by Egino

Pastoral Letter (to "the Handong family")

Dear Friends! I'd like to express "great thanks" to all of you who have faithfully given to the people suffering from the disasters in Pakistan and Sri Lanka areas.

Our "LOVE OFFERING" was collected \ 4,386,000 total. The chaplain's office offered more to make it even at \ 5,000,000 and sent it to Rev. Greg Warehan (Former Prof of Handong who works now in Sri Lanka) and Rev. Altaf Khan (a Pakistan minister who works for the disaster area, and ...his son studying here at Handong)

"All our doings without charity are nothing worth."(The Book of Common Prayer)
Thank you for your generosity! May God bless your faithful hearts for the Lord and His Holy Work!


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