Friday, November 25, 2005

My Pronunciation Clinic student, HaeWon, who came to see her friend, JinHwan (my old Freshman Lab student) perform at the "Dunamis Men's Accapella concert" last Friday. It is a Korean custom to bring flowers for friends/family in any performance whether they are male or female. How sweet!


Blogger Charlene said...

Would it be considered rude if you didn't have the money for flowers Andrew? Just wondering. And, is it that they bring flowers for the people in the performance or for the people that they go to it with?

4:37 PM  
Blogger Charlene said...

Okay, as I read it again, my latter question is answered.

5:23 PM  
Blogger Andrew Brown said...

Hey Char!
No, I wouldn't say it would be "rude" but it could be an uncomfortable feeling. I've been to quite a few such performances here in Korea and those performing are always flocked by many friends with bouquets of flowers. (Made me think that they should open a flower shop on campus!! We are so far from town!)
One one hand, Koreans tend to be extremely generous to friends/family but on the other hand they are not so quick to directly express love. This is why flower giving at such performances is such a beautiful thing, as it allows appreciation and love to be displayed publicly.

5:22 AM  
Blogger Charlene said...

Well, that is great then. I am just amazed sometimes because I would think that there would be an odd time a person couldn't do something like that. I am just used to Canadian ways where it is a very special treat to get flowers or gifts and that it seems never really to be expected except on like, Valentine's Day or other holidays. Nice custom though. It would make for a rewarding performance.

5:54 PM  

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