Friday, December 02, 2005

Seeking Aid on AIDS Day

The CNN special on Aids in Africa was heart-wrenching. The statistics are incredible! Does anyone remember when the numbers were quite low years ago? I still can't believe the statistics. They reported that over 11,000,000 have been orphaned by AIDS in Africa! Think about all those lives affected. 1/6 people have AIDS in Ethiopia.
In Bush's speech, he mentioned the success seen in countries such as Uganda and Kenya. What they don't tell you in the fine print is that they have concluded that only a (biblical) lifestyle of abstinence will solve the long term problems.
The A.B.C.s of conquering AIDS is taught world-wide.
A-Abstain from Sex (and if you can't do that....)
B-Be faithful (to one partner) (and if you can't do that...)
C-Condom Use
The results in Uganda show that Abstinence alone offers any real solution. But the problem is we live in a "if it feels good, just do it!" kind of world. People are so quick to argue for their rights but rarely are responsibilities mentioned. This world is a sinking ship, in case you didn't know it folks.
It is so sad to see so many people who have a laisse faire kind of approach to the spread of AIDS and once infected no longer bother to "wrap the rascal".
By far, the saddest thing is seeing how those infected are treated (according to the program).
"Those with AIDS are overlooked-many see them as already dead-a waste of valuable resources."
Here are the A.B.C.s that truly conquer AIDS, death & any disease:

"My eyes grew weak as I looked to the heavens. I am troubled; O Lord, come to my aid!" (Psalm 38:14)


Blogger Iosue Andreas Sartorius said...

Hello Andy,

Good post. Here's evidence that abstinence works:

In Thailand and in the Philippines, the first HIV/AIDS cases were reported in 1984; by 1987, Thailand had 112 cases, while the Philippines had more, with 135 cases. Today, in the year 2003, there are around 750,000 cases in Thailand, where the 100% Condom Use Program had relatively great success. On the other hand, there are only 1,935 cases in the Philippines(62) — and this, considering that the Philippines’ population is around 30% greater than Thailand’s! Relatively low rates of condom use by the people in general, and staunch opposition from the Church(63) and a good number of government leaders against the condom program and sexual promiscuity, are well-known facts in the Philippines.

[from Family Values Versus Safe Sex]


2:58 PM  
Blogger Andrew Brown said...

Greetings Josue,
Thanks for the stats! Eye-opening indeed!

11:06 PM  

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