Wednesday, March 22, 2006

HASIM - God's Heart

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." (John 17:3)
HASIM gets its name from the Korean abbreviation for the words "God's heart" (Hananim-eh Simjung). At the center of the Bible is something unique from all other religions: an authoritative explanation of God's heart from the only One who knows it perfectly, Jesus Christ.
HASIM is a Bible study program that brings people to an intimate knowledge of God through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Because Jesus is the key to understanding the entire Bible, the HASIM program takes students on a methodical and careful journey through the Word in a question and answer format designed to make the student a contemplative and introspective disciple of Christ. Students are transformed as they gain insight into God's heart and mind; familiar passages take on new depth and meaning as students regularly meditate on the Word and share communally in the group members' spiritual growth.
HASIM began as a training program in 2000 at Handong Global University to raise vibrant and passionate Christ disciples who could:
1) appreciate the Father's great and unwavering love for the world and
2) clearly communicate that love unashamedly to others.
The English Hasim Study Program began in 2004 with the goal of bringing the study of God's Heart to people in other countries, especially those in the developing world who are desperately seeking answers, searching ardently to truly know God.


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