Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Faculty Worship Service Sermon

Today's speaker was Dae-Young Ryu.
He read from 2 Corinthians 3:1-3:
Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
Some notes taken during the sermon:
-We live in a world of email/text messaging and Dae-Young wonders if people will continue to write letters in the future anymore.
-Letters are for showing our heart and our problems to ones who are far from us.
-We share our love with others through writing such letters. Many did so when they were children but don't do so anymore.
-If you check the archives of ancient missionary letters, you will find that they were magnificent writers; good at communicating their feelings and experiences.
-At that time, people would wait more than a month to receive word from back home.
-Earlier, there were even longer gaps between writing and receiving letters.
-Archeologists learn a lot from the past through studying letters found.
-Almost all of the New Testament is made up of letters which shows what importance letters had.
-"letters of recommendation"-many so-called apostles wrote to commend themselves at the time. The Corinthian church was established by Paul. According to some of the false teachers, they came after with "the real gospel". They tried to tell the people to doubt Paul because he didn't carry a letter of recommendation as they did.
In verse 2, Paul stressed that YOU are the letter.
-This was both a glorious statement and a challenging statment, depending on their behaviour, performance and character. Bad behaviour would reflect a bad recommendation from Paul while good fruits would ensure a "fragrance of Christ". (and therefore a good testimony towards Paul)
-The letter (contrary to most private letters) WAS TO BE READ BY ALL-not confidential!
Everyone should see!
(The speaker then made a good application to ask whether we were sending out students from Handong as "letters of recommendation" in the same way, with right doctrine, behaviour, thinking and deeds that "glorified Christ".)


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