Romans Bible Study Lesson 3:
First, the Bad News (Romans 1:18-32)
The theme that Paul wrote and preached to the Romans was.... "God is righteous. God is "always in the right".
Knowing that God is "always in the right" is:
A. a comfort?
B. a challenge?
As in a courtroom setting:
Picture man standing before the desk of God, the judge, and being declared righteous. As he stands there, man knows in his heart that he is far from being "in the right". But, before he can be declared righteous, charges have to be made and the evidence must be presented to substantiate the charges. So, before man can hear the Good News, he must first grasp the measure of the bad news. Paul makes the point that while the righteousness of God has been revealed, there has also been a revelation of the "wrath of God".
What is the difference between divine wrath and human anger? ________________
Human anger contains...hurt, humiliation, uncontrolled passion, unreasonable oubursts, self-vindication. God's wrath is...right, a holy response to the unholy, a just reaction to the unjust, a pure rejection of the impure. God's failure to respond in wrath would be intrinsically wrong.
What human actions and attitudes move God to wrath? ___________
Any sin but ultimately the unforgivable sin of unbelief, rejecting God, rejecting Christ.
Which of the following statements is most often true?
A. Modern man, so sophisticated in technology and skilled in managing the complexities of the modern world, exercises equal effort to discover the spiritual world.
B. Modern man, so sophisticated in technology and skilled in managing the complexities of the modern world, seems content to live in self-imposed "unsophistication" in the area of the spiritual.
Man may even suggest that he doesn't have the time to unravel the mysteries of God. Indifference and complacency are common. Man may even express a sense of well being...truth is too hard to come cannot be reasonably expected to know more than one does. According to verses 18-20, what is Paul's position?
Paul points out:
1) Man is not ignorant of truth
2) Man rejects truth not because it is difficult to discover but because he has "suppressed the truth".
3) Man's problem is not confusion but an ungodly response to the truth that leads to rejection.
Modern man's position is a product not of an unfortunate lack of information but a deliberate rejection of the information given. This, God will not tolerate.
Modern man regards MAN as the center of reality or truth and relegates God to a position of unimportance or irrelevance. It cannot be overemphasized..all reality is to be found in the "knowledge of God". Failure to recognize this is to suppress the truth.
Illustration: Copernicus He knew that the earth went around the sun and not vice versa but he was afraid to reveal this as he knew people would not accept it and he would be rejected.
What response would you give someone who says..."God is not knowable, and man is limited in his capability. He has little hope to do more than just struggle for knowledge of the truth."? __________
We can see some evidence of this in:
-man's built-in sense of morality
-man's innate "religiousness"...Is there a city anywhere in the world that has no temples and no gods?
-man's inbuilt sense that truth is in some ways connected with the being of God.
While many Americans say they've never had a deeply spiritual experience, they insist that they believe in the existence of God.
How has God clearly revealed Himself? __________________
Man's intelligence and observational powers, as well as his moral insight and spiritual intuition are all involved in God's self-revelation to man. The ability to translate "general revelation" into the knowlege of God's invisible attributes is a gift of God. Man, in all types of civilizations, has been able to see behind the forces of nature (however imperfectly) and see God Himself.
God's reaction in response to man's actions was not to send fire and brimstone. He did something far more subtle and more appalling. ________
What does the following phrase mean: "God gave them up to"... or ..."over"?
The greatest judgment God can inflict on us is to let us have our own way.
Why? ______________
God gave man the absolute right to choose his own course of action. With that right comes perfect freedom to live with the consequences.
There is an awful rightness about this. Why? ____
Explain: The tragedy of humanity is that it fails to recognize the wrath of God and the righteousness of God at work in everyday experience.
Man used his freedom to remake God in his own image..arrogant self-centeredness. The human heart and its lusts take precedence over the divine being and His plan. Physical experience becomes more important than spiritual realities. This leads only to "uncleanness".
The wrath of God to the sexually promiscuous is...emptiness, loneliness, a lack of satisfaction and sometimes health problems.
Freedom must be protected, but pleasure distracts from the disciplines of protection, so freedom perishes.
Pleasure needs satisfying, but the search for new satisfaction becomes a burden that denies freedom.
The lie: Man has his own destiny in his own hands and is capable of providing the "good life" for himself.
Sexual freedom and pleasure have always been dear to the heart of man. However, when freedom and pleasure become "liberated" from the truth of God, it is the area of sexual morality that the consequences can be most unmistakably seen. Concerned pastors and Christians have long been crying out. Recently, even secular film critics and some sociologists have begun to express concern about what they see as a chronic social malaise.
There is a chilling severity about the bad news:
-God's revelation of Himself has been callously rejected by man.
-God's righteous anger at such behavior has been revealed
-Man is without excuse
2. MAN'S REJECTION OF GOD (Romans 1:21-22)
Mother of a toddler: Sam, did you smear chocolate pudding on the refrigerator door?
What is Sam's probable response? _____
As we've stated, even the most primitive man has enough knowledge of God to lead him to an attitude of glorifying and thanking God...enough to move from knowledge to response.
God's assertion: rejection is an inadequate response and unacceptable to God.
Man's response: chooses not to respond adequately and accounts for his actions by stressing his inadequate knowledge of God.
-Failure to recognize God's divine order
-Failure to express adoration to the Creator
-Mentally lazy
-Morally irresponsible
-Willfully disregards God
The scriptural definition of a fool is...a person who willfully makes moral decisions contrary to God's instructions. He who rejects God is a fool.
From earliest times man has suppressed the truth, rejected God and totally reversed the diving order by making God in his own image...and even in the image of lower species. The root of the problem is in man's arrogant preoccupation with himself.
Some gods may be wooden figures, but they may also be goals, such as money, power, or comfort. What are our priorities? Dreams? Plans? Do I worship God or idols of my own making?
Many of the tourist attractions all over ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt are man's tribute to himself and are an insult to God. Many of the statues that grace our museums provoke God to wrath.
When we think of the wrath of God, we tend to project into the future to the coming day of judgment. Paul taught that the wrath of God was already being experienced in ways that many do not recognize (verses 24-28).
A person out of touch with the reality of God is out of touch with reality. When sexuality is misunderstood, the sheer power of unrestrained sexual drive and uneducated sexual insight will produce all manner of aberrant sexual behavior. Confusion about God breeds confusion about man, which breeds confusion about sexuality, which produces sexual confusion and chaos.
Read Romans 1:28-32
A sense of repentance and grief ought to permeate the human scene. A great reaching out for righteousness, restoration, and renewal ought to be the greatest human longing. Such is not the case. The appalling's reaction is often the opposite.
A carnival air of casual enjoyment prevails in human society. Instead of acting as guardians of each other's souls, people tend to function as encouragers of each other's destruction. Instead of wholesome disapproval of sin, there is a wholesome approval of unrighteousness.
The confusion, the perversion, the inappropriate responses, the chaos, and the disintegration of society are clear evidences that "the wrath of God" has been revealed. If people suppress God's truth in order to live the way they want, they have no excuse. They know the truth and will endure the consequences of ignoring it.
But, the same God who delivered up sinners to judgment delivered up His own Son for lost sinners (8:32). This is the gospel. Are you sharing it?
First, the Bad News (Romans 1:18-32)
The theme that Paul wrote and preached to the Romans was.... "God is righteous. God is "always in the right".
Knowing that God is "always in the right" is:
A. a comfort?
B. a challenge?
As in a courtroom setting:
Picture man standing before the desk of God, the judge, and being declared righteous. As he stands there, man knows in his heart that he is far from being "in the right". But, before he can be declared righteous, charges have to be made and the evidence must be presented to substantiate the charges. So, before man can hear the Good News, he must first grasp the measure of the bad news. Paul makes the point that while the righteousness of God has been revealed, there has also been a revelation of the "wrath of God".
What is the difference between divine wrath and human anger? ________________
Human anger contains...hurt, humiliation, uncontrolled passion, unreasonable oubursts, self-vindication. God's wrath is...right, a holy response to the unholy, a just reaction to the unjust, a pure rejection of the impure. God's failure to respond in wrath would be intrinsically wrong.
What human actions and attitudes move God to wrath? ___________
Any sin but ultimately the unforgivable sin of unbelief, rejecting God, rejecting Christ.
Which of the following statements is most often true?
A. Modern man, so sophisticated in technology and skilled in managing the complexities of the modern world, exercises equal effort to discover the spiritual world.
B. Modern man, so sophisticated in technology and skilled in managing the complexities of the modern world, seems content to live in self-imposed "unsophistication" in the area of the spiritual.
Man may even suggest that he doesn't have the time to unravel the mysteries of God. Indifference and complacency are common. Man may even express a sense of well being...truth is too hard to come cannot be reasonably expected to know more than one does. According to verses 18-20, what is Paul's position?
Paul points out:
1) Man is not ignorant of truth
2) Man rejects truth not because it is difficult to discover but because he has "suppressed the truth".
3) Man's problem is not confusion but an ungodly response to the truth that leads to rejection.
Modern man's position is a product not of an unfortunate lack of information but a deliberate rejection of the information given. This, God will not tolerate.
Modern man regards MAN as the center of reality or truth and relegates God to a position of unimportance or irrelevance. It cannot be overemphasized..all reality is to be found in the "knowledge of God". Failure to recognize this is to suppress the truth.
Illustration: Copernicus He knew that the earth went around the sun and not vice versa but he was afraid to reveal this as he knew people would not accept it and he would be rejected.
What response would you give someone who says..."God is not knowable, and man is limited in his capability. He has little hope to do more than just struggle for knowledge of the truth."? __________
We can see some evidence of this in:
-man's built-in sense of morality
-man's innate "religiousness"...Is there a city anywhere in the world that has no temples and no gods?
-man's inbuilt sense that truth is in some ways connected with the being of God.
While many Americans say they've never had a deeply spiritual experience, they insist that they believe in the existence of God.
How has God clearly revealed Himself? __________________
Man's intelligence and observational powers, as well as his moral insight and spiritual intuition are all involved in God's self-revelation to man. The ability to translate "general revelation" into the knowlege of God's invisible attributes is a gift of God. Man, in all types of civilizations, has been able to see behind the forces of nature (however imperfectly) and see God Himself.
God's reaction in response to man's actions was not to send fire and brimstone. He did something far more subtle and more appalling. ________
What does the following phrase mean: "God gave them up to"... or ..."over"?
The greatest judgment God can inflict on us is to let us have our own way.
Why? ______________
God gave man the absolute right to choose his own course of action. With that right comes perfect freedom to live with the consequences.
There is an awful rightness about this. Why? ____
Explain: The tragedy of humanity is that it fails to recognize the wrath of God and the righteousness of God at work in everyday experience.
Man used his freedom to remake God in his own image..arrogant self-centeredness. The human heart and its lusts take precedence over the divine being and His plan. Physical experience becomes more important than spiritual realities. This leads only to "uncleanness".
The wrath of God to the sexually promiscuous is...emptiness, loneliness, a lack of satisfaction and sometimes health problems.
Freedom must be protected, but pleasure distracts from the disciplines of protection, so freedom perishes.
Pleasure needs satisfying, but the search for new satisfaction becomes a burden that denies freedom.
The lie: Man has his own destiny in his own hands and is capable of providing the "good life" for himself.
Sexual freedom and pleasure have always been dear to the heart of man. However, when freedom and pleasure become "liberated" from the truth of God, it is the area of sexual morality that the consequences can be most unmistakably seen. Concerned pastors and Christians have long been crying out. Recently, even secular film critics and some sociologists have begun to express concern about what they see as a chronic social malaise.
There is a chilling severity about the bad news:
-God's revelation of Himself has been callously rejected by man.
-God's righteous anger at such behavior has been revealed
-Man is without excuse
2. MAN'S REJECTION OF GOD (Romans 1:21-22)
Mother of a toddler: Sam, did you smear chocolate pudding on the refrigerator door?
What is Sam's probable response? _____
As we've stated, even the most primitive man has enough knowledge of God to lead him to an attitude of glorifying and thanking God...enough to move from knowledge to response.
God's assertion: rejection is an inadequate response and unacceptable to God.
Man's response: chooses not to respond adequately and accounts for his actions by stressing his inadequate knowledge of God.
-Failure to recognize God's divine order
-Failure to express adoration to the Creator
-Mentally lazy
-Morally irresponsible
-Willfully disregards God
The scriptural definition of a fool is...a person who willfully makes moral decisions contrary to God's instructions. He who rejects God is a fool.
From earliest times man has suppressed the truth, rejected God and totally reversed the diving order by making God in his own image...and even in the image of lower species. The root of the problem is in man's arrogant preoccupation with himself.
Some gods may be wooden figures, but they may also be goals, such as money, power, or comfort. What are our priorities? Dreams? Plans? Do I worship God or idols of my own making?
Many of the tourist attractions all over ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt are man's tribute to himself and are an insult to God. Many of the statues that grace our museums provoke God to wrath.
When we think of the wrath of God, we tend to project into the future to the coming day of judgment. Paul taught that the wrath of God was already being experienced in ways that many do not recognize (verses 24-28).
A person out of touch with the reality of God is out of touch with reality. When sexuality is misunderstood, the sheer power of unrestrained sexual drive and uneducated sexual insight will produce all manner of aberrant sexual behavior. Confusion about God breeds confusion about man, which breeds confusion about sexuality, which produces sexual confusion and chaos.
Read Romans 1:28-32
A sense of repentance and grief ought to permeate the human scene. A great reaching out for righteousness, restoration, and renewal ought to be the greatest human longing. Such is not the case. The appalling's reaction is often the opposite.
A carnival air of casual enjoyment prevails in human society. Instead of acting as guardians of each other's souls, people tend to function as encouragers of each other's destruction. Instead of wholesome disapproval of sin, there is a wholesome approval of unrighteousness.
The confusion, the perversion, the inappropriate responses, the chaos, and the disintegration of society are clear evidences that "the wrath of God" has been revealed. If people suppress God's truth in order to live the way they want, they have no excuse. They know the truth and will endure the consequences of ignoring it.
But, the same God who delivered up sinners to judgment delivered up His own Son for lost sinners (8:32). This is the gospel. Are you sharing it?
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