Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Student's Prayer

I leave a box in my class 15 minutes before class and also during breaks. Students are told that if they have any problems, concerns, questions or prayer requests, they can put it down on a piece of paper and put it in the "magic box" for me to read later. I got 2 very touching prayers from one anonymous student that I'd like to share with you now:
A small prayer for everyone in this class:
Heavenly Father!
Let us not judge other people as You didn't judge
But let us love each other as You loved all of us.
Let us learn wisdom to use the wisdom
For those who don't have it.
Let us learn your humbleness to be used
As salt and light for the have-nots
As you were so.
Let what we're learning be used not for us
But for those who don't have chance to study.
Let us have eyes to seek you way.
Let us have clean ears to hear your words.
Let us have loud voice to cry out the truth.
Let us feel your endless love and spread it through our life.
(If you want to read to students, please, read slowly for everyone to recognize clearly. And you can save your judgment on grammar for now. Thank you.)
A small prayer for our humble teacher, Andy Brown
Our Lord in Heaven!
Bless him with strength to teach his students
Righteousness and Humbleness.
Bless him with wisdom to direct his students
To the right way.
Bless him with humbleness to teach his students
To be humble before You and your people
As you were the humblest.
Bless him with love to show his students
Your true love.
Bless him with wit and humor
to show his students
True laughter of Heaven.
Finally, please, give him strength
Not to get weary and to keep teaching
to everyone who listens to him.
Who am I that God would give me such sincere, compassionate and loving students!? Wow!


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