Thursday, October 06, 2005

Being a Kingdom Citizen

(From "The Man God Uses" by Henry and Tom Blackaby)
Spiritual truths often contradict what we accept as reality. Christ demonstrated lordship by washing his disciples' feet. In the world today, to be the owner or boss is to rule and control by directives. Look at the following list. Note carefully the contrast between what the world says and what the kingdom says.
The World says pride is important.
The Kingdom says Humility is essential.
The World says "hitch your wagon to a star".
The Kingdom says Jesus is Lord.
The World says success.
The Kingdom says obedience.
The World says professionalism.
The Kingdom says servanthood.
The World says competition.
The Kingdom says service.
The World says maintain your rights.
The Kingdom says give all your rights to God.
The World says negotiate for the best deal.
The Kingdom says obey God's commands.
The World says excellence.
The Kingdom says Christlikeness.
The World says save your life.
The Kingdom says lose your life for my sake.
The World says affirm self.
The Kingdom says deny self.
The World says accomplishments.
The Kingdom says character.
The World says you don't have to take that.
The Kingdom says take up your cross.
The World says live to die.
The Kingdom says die to live.
The World says rule and be served.
The Kingdom says service in order to rule.
The World says things will make you happy.
The Kingdom says Godly character brings joy.
The World says walk by sight.
The Kingdom says walk by faith.
The World says set long-range goals.
The Kingdom says God reveals the future.
The World says take the initiative.
The Kingdom says let God take the initiative.
The World says get revenge.
The Kingdom says do good to your persecutors.
The World says eat, drink and be merry.
The Kingdom says seek first the Kingdom of God.


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