Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Handong Global University's Fall Festival 2005

Dear Foreign Faculty,
Festival week is upon us. If this is your first year at Handong University, we hope you will take the time to tour the concessions, support student food stands and concerts, and encourage our studentsin their efforts to promote school spirit and share their talents. They've been practicing and preparing for the last month or more; attending the various events is the least we can do.
The festival week is unique to Handong. Whereas at other Korean universities, they bring in secular music artists and spend the night in drinking revelry, Handong practices an alcohol free festival policy. Students try their best to find ways to integrate faith in cultural and artistic expression. Sometimes, it's very good; other times, it makes us cringe. But in all, it's entertaining and informative for us their mentors and teachers who can address Christ and Culture issues in class. Here are a few things you might like to attend:(All major concerts held in the student union building outside behind the cafeteria.)
Wednesday, 7-8pm- Contemporary Christian Band performance by Harvest Praise.
Wednesday, 9-11pm- Wanted 70s (Handong professors singthe pops (various Korean and Western pop songs).
Thursday, 7-9:30pm- School Clubs Concert. Various student talent and cultural organizations perform. Singing, dancing, skits, and more!
Theme cafes open all evening after 6pm throughout the student union building. More details will be posted at the OIA faculty website: www.handong.wikispaces.com.
Hope you have a great time!
International Affairs Office


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