Monday, April 04, 2005

He sent forth His word and healed them;
He rescued them from the grave. (Psalm 107:20)

Taste and See that the LORD is good!

David penned, "May my tongue be as the pen of a ready writer." Likewise, I wish that my pen may be as the tongue of a ready orator in praising my God as I reflect on His goodness on this blogsite.
The other day I was thinking of some of the answered prayers God has granted that had slipped my mind. Then I recalled the importance stressed in several sermons (and books) on keeping a "spiritual journal" of sorts not to forgot all that God has done in your life.
God's grace has certainly not been without effect in my life! My life has gone a complete 180 degree turn in terms of priorities, which can only be of God. I used to seek whores in the Holy Land and now I seek holiness in an unholy world.
My past sins being washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ is an unquestionable fact for me. What deeply haunts me are my current sins even though I call myself a Christian. Yes, 1 John 1:8 and 1:10 stress that no one is without sin but we (after coming to Christ and accepting his sacrifice for our sins on the cross) are to become progressively holy and sanctified, crucified to the world and dead to self. I yearn to serve Christ more but find myself stumbling often. Even this stumbling can be good in some ways as it helps me continue to realize I am saved by grace and grace alone. However, I don't want to live a Romans chapter 7 Christian life-I want to move on to chapter 8!!!!
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