Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Difference Is...

Religion has man doing something for God;
Christianity has God doing something for man.

2 of the other volunteer teachers at the "Good Samaritan Project Fall '05 Closing Ceremony"; our Japanese language professor, Harada Masao (who taught the kids Japanese of course!) and Christine Yang (Korean but taught the kids Chinese! woman of many talents!). I thought it was funny that the kids actually thought that Christine was Chinese.

Although I received many precious letters of thanks from the children of Yang Dong Elementary School, (no doubt assigned as homework from their teachers! :-)) this gift from Lee Dong Miung takes the prize!

A closer look at one of the best gifts a child could give. A homemade piece of art painted on a dried Korean pumpkin. Isn't that the greatest!?!?! So cute

One thing I do actually miss about FULL-TIME elementary/middle school teaching is the creative pictures that students come up with!!!

One of the 2 photos given to me by my EGC student (and Samaritan Project volunteer photographer), Cho Sang-Min, from a Saturday class much earlier in the semester. He said he'd send more photos in the near future...

I LOVE this letter from one of the kids at Yang Dong school as they obviously put a lot of work into it! I love how they wrote my name at the top left corner, ""ND"! ha!ha! I guess that IS how "Andy" must sound to kids here!

A letter + artwork !!!

One of the precious letters I received from the kids at Yang Dong Elementary School.

One of our cheerful student volunteers for the Samaritan Project (and exchange student from Mexico!) spreading some Christmas cheer in the Admin Building. (They could use it over there, ha!ha!)

Angels usually go on top of the tree, don't they?! (Not in front, Christine! :-))

The Doctrine of God - Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

"For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4)

The word ontological comes from the root "being" and is a deductive argument that only indicates the probable existence of God. (See Rom. 1:20 and Ps. 94:9 for stronger arguments.) It reasons that the idea of a perfect and infinite Being cannot be derived from a finite and imperfect human being. Therefore, a perfect and infinite Being who exists must have placed the idea in mankind.
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