Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas is...COSTLY!

-It cost Mary and Joseph the comforts of home during a long period of exile in Egypt to protect the little Babe.
-It cost mothers, in and around Bethlehem, the massacre of their babies by the cruel order of Herod.
-It cost the shepherds the complacency of their shepherds' life, with the call to the manger and to tell the good news.
-It cost the wise men a long journey and expensive gifts and changed lives.
-It cost the early apostles and the early church persecution and sometimes death.
-It cost missionaries of the Christ untold suffering to spread the good news.
-It cost Korean and other Christian martyrs in all alges their lives for Christ's sake.
-More than all this, it cost God the Father His own Son-He sent Him to the earth to save men.
-It cost Jesus a life of sacrifice and service, a death cruel and unmatched in history.
-It is, if all that it means is gift exchanges.
-It is, if all that it means is tinsel.
-It is, if all that it means is the millions spent in commercialization of Christmas.
-It is, if all that it means is a holiday.
-If it means the hope of the world.
-If it means the forgiveness of sin.
-If it means peace among men.
-If it means joyous singing!
-Are you giving enough for Christ and the world needs?

A closer shot of the beautiful mural on the outside of the church

Pohang First Presbyterian Church

George Kim at Tim Hooker's wedding, December 20th, 2006

"The Passing on of the Shoes"...I think we've started a new tradition here. Tim Hooker passes his shoes onto Victor Tchor which can mean only one thing...Mr. Kim is in the background blessing this sacred moment. We look forward to hearing the announcement anyday now, Victor, ha!ha!
Timothy Hooker and Mark Buzby
Tarik with the newlyweds. It was very classy of Mr. Hooker and his wife to stand at the door to bid farewell to all the guests at the end of the reception.
What a beautiful group of people!
One of my favorite photos of the wedding: Ghana's grandmother and Tim's mother

Pretty Mongolian Ladies and Pretty Mongolian Dresses

Bagi, Mandy, Pastor Heinz and Nomeo
Victor Chor and one of his Mongolian students from the law school with Bagi
Nomeo, Professor Abraham Lee and Mandy
Amie, cute as a button!

The Cutting of the Cakes

"Thems Was Good Eatings!"

Groom and Bride with the Groom's parents
with the Bride's sister and grandmother
This was the photo they had displayed as you entered the wedding hall.
Some of our international students enjoying the buffet afterwards:Mandy from Mongolia, Eric from Cameroon and Daniel from Afghanistan.
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