Saturday, May 28, 2005

"So Moses made a bronze snake and put it on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived." (Numbers 21:9)

Sunlin Hospital: Class 9 of 10

Well...the 10 week missionary training course is coming to an end! 1 more week to go!
On Friday night, we focused again on effectively communicating the message of salvation. We mostly worked through the "Abundant Life" workbook.
Lesson 12: Sharing the Message with Others
In the last lesson, we saw that all believers must show the love of God to the world. We can do this by sharing the message of forgiveness with those who do not know Christ.
1. In our last lesson we learned that it is important for believers to show Christ's love for others by means of their B___________.
2. But, we must also TALK about Jesus. He has commanded us to tell others the good news about the forgiveness of sins. Since Jesus Christ is our Lord, what must we do when He gives us a command? We must _________ His command.
3. One of the last commands that Jesus gave to His followers was this one:
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." (Mark 16:15)
According to thse words of the Lord, you and I must:
a. __ Receive His salvation and keep the things of the Lord secret from those who have not received Him.
b. __ Take the message of Jesus' forgiveness to all people.
c. __ Preach only to those people who are nice to us but not to those who persecute us.
4. To how many people must we tell the message of forgiveness through Jesus? We must tell the message to _________________.
(answers 1-4: behaviour, obey, B all people)
5. Look at the first picture, Picture "A", carefully. This picture is to be used along with the first Bible verse on the cover of your booklet.
What is the first verse on the cover of your booklet? ______________
NOW READ THIS VERSE. According to John 3:16, who does God love? ________________
6. In this verse, the word "WORLD" means ALL the people of the world and not just the children of God. In this case, what kind of feelings does God have toward those who are not His children? Does God LOVE them of does God HATE them? (CHOOSE ONE) ___________________________
7. We are all happy to know that God loves us. Since we have received Jesus we are now enjoying a new relationship with Him as His son. Now, you must tell your friends and neighbors that God ______ them, and that they can also become _______ of God.
8. Everybody should know this truth.
You can use your booklet to tell others that God loves them. Show them picture "A" and read John 3:16 to them. Explain to them that the Bible says God _____ the world. This means that God l_______ me, and He loves _____ also.
(answers 5-8: John 3:16, The world, Loves them, Loves, children, loves, loves, you)
9. Now look at the next picture, picture "B", in your booklet. Read the verse on the cover of the booklet which goes along with this picture. What is the Bible reference for the verse that goes with picture "B"? ______________________
10. Is it possible for the man in picture "B" to get to God? (ANSWER "YES" OR "NO") ____________ Why not? Because there is a s_________ between them. So then, can the one who is separated from God in this way enjoy the love of God? (ANSWER "YES" OR "NO") ______________
11. You can use picture "B" in this way: Read the Bible verse which goes along with the picture to your friend. Tell him that he cannot enjoy the love of God even though God does love him. He cannot enjoy God's love because s_____ has made a s_______ between him and God.
12. Remind your friend that picture "A" and the Bible verse (John 3:16) tells us that God _____ us. Say to him: "Friend, God _____ YOU." Then return to picture "B" with Isaiah 59:2 and say to him: "This picture shows us that you cannot enjoy the love of God because your _____ has made a ________ between you and _____."
13. Since sin has made a separation between God and man, SOMEONE is needed to bring man back to God. Look at picture "C" in your booklet. Read 1 Peter 3:18 on the cover of your booklet. Who died for our sins? ______________ Why did He die? _________________
(Answer 9-13: Isaiah 59:2, No, separation, no, sin, separation, loves, loves, sin, separation, God, Jesus Christ, To bring us to God.)
14. So then, Christ can solve the problem. He can BRING YOU TO GOD. What did Christ do to bring us to God? ___________________
15. Show your friend picture "C" along with 1 Peter 3:18, and say: "Just as this picture shows, Christ _______ for you in order to _______."
16. You should now be able to use your booklet to show your friends, in an easy way, the message of Jesus' forgiveness. Fill in the spaces below to practice your use of the booklet. Look at the booklet as you work.
A. Show picture "A" and read John 3:16. Then say, "Friend, this Bible verse teaches that God _____ you."
B. When you show picture "B" and read Isaiah 59:2, you may say: "But, see how your ____ (iniquities) have made a _______ between you and _____?"
C. Using picture "C" and reading 1 Peter 3:18 you can then say: "But here we have the good news that Jesus Christ _____for you to ________."
17. Look at the last picture in the booklet and read John 1:12 on the cover. According to this verse, what did some do? _________ and ______ in Him. When they did this they became _________ of _____.
18. If your friend receives Christ and believes in Him, what will he or she become? ________________
19. If your friend is to become a child of God, what must he do? _________ and _____ in Jesus Christ.
(Answers 14-19: Died, died, bring you to God, A.loves B.Sins, separation, GodC.Died,bring you to God Received him, believed, children of God. A child of God, Receive Him, believe)
20. So then as you show your friend picture "D" and read John 1:12 to him, you can say, "Friend, you may become a ____ of ____ if you ________."
21. Practice explaining the message of salvation using the pictures and Bible verses.
22. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to ASK your friend if THEY want to r_____ Christ and b_____ in Him.
(Answers 20-22: Child of God, receive Christ and believe in Him, Receive, believe.)
Next week, we will be focuing on using your own testimony when you share the message of salvation with a friend. Therfore students were asked to write a short summary of their testimony, clearly explained, that could be shared within a 5 minute time frame.
It will be such a blessing to see Kim Tae-Gyun next Friday to hear about his work on mission during the past 2 weeks in East Timor!






Not a "magic formula"-but a suggested prayer.



"The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." (Genesis 3:21)

The Afghan boys, Daniel and Seeyar, after returning from a field trip to GyungJu, Sat. May 27th with a group of Handong international students.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) This cute scripture card (and many others) can be purchased at the Word of Life Bookstore in Seoul across from the Express Bus Terminal or check out

My Twin Brother!

This here "blog write-up" is an appreciation for my identical twin brother, Adam.
It was through Adam (and my uncle Dale) that I was led to the Lord. I'm very thankful that he kept insisting on sharing scripture with me and challenging me about my previously accepted Catholic beliefs! Thanks, Adam!!
Here is an email I received last week:
Well bro the above is my newly created blog. I truly love yours. It's great to see how you're doing and it's nice to be able to see so much of your life.....I'm looking forward to learning more about blogging. It's 2am here and I just gave myself a crash course. Love you bro. P.S. If I can figure out how I'd like to have a link to your blogs on my blog. OK? Talk to you later. Love Adam.

My Twin Brother
The concept of twins is a mind boggling thing:
That a woman can have more than one son.
What could be the reasoning behind God's decision
To bring two lives in the place of just one?
The answer to such a question is complex
And the response didn't appear right away.
It's only now after really knowing my brother
That I start to understand this today.
My twin is my friend and supporter.
He listens and understands like no other.
I know what he thinks without speaking.
A twin is so much more than a brother.
Yet, there are times when we seem like oppponents;
Comparing and challenging ourselves.
Sometimes competing and sometimes supporting,
But in the long run, it's good for the health.
Were not Isaac and Eshua twin brothers?
This relationship a part of God's plan;
Eshua threw away his blessings for nothing
Giving Isaac inheritance and land.
My twin is a constant reminder
That in this world, there's another like me.
If only we could see each man as twin brother,
We'd all be so peaceful and free.
He knows just when to call me or write me.
To inform, to support or to laugh.
I thank him, I miss him, I love him.
My twin brother, AKA-"The Best Half".
(Andrew Brown)
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