Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Mina: Do you love me with all your heart and soul?
Jung-Min: Uh-huh.
Mina: Do you think I'm the most beautiful girl in the world?
Jung-Min: Uh-huh.
Mina: Do you think my lips are like rose petals?
Jung-Min: Uh-huh.
Mina: Oh, you say the most beautiful things!

Introduction to Doctrine 2 - Heresy

"A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;" (Titus 3:10)

The word heresy literally means "choosing one's own ideas", but now refers to that which is untrue. Even the New Testament church had false or heretical teachers who taught erroneous doctrine. Some epistles were specifically written to combat them (e.g., Galatians, 2 Thessalonians). Paul warned the Romans against identifying with those who promoted divisive, heretical teachings (Rom. 16:17). He advised Titus to reject heretics if they did not respond after two warnings. John warned that a heretic should not be admitted into a Christian's home (2 John 10).
Illustration: Not everyone who makes an incorrect doctrinal statement is a heretic. When Apollos was further instructed concerning the gospel, he grew into a mighty Christian leader (Acts 18:24-28). By contrast, Hymeneus and Philetus were heretics when they rejected God's truth and hurt the faith of some believers (2 Tim. 2:16-18).
Application: Christians should as much as possible dissociate themselves from every heretic so as to be unhindered in their Christian lives.

Construction for single housing at Handong University draws to an end. The $64,000 question is just who will be moving into these units....more to follow.

Piggy, piggy!

Piggy bank anyone?! The Chinese character for "pig" ("don) also means "money" ("don") in Korean...Hey! I wonder if this is how the idea for piggy banks originated.


One of our students here at Handong in full "gum-do uniform". Gum-do is a martial art involving sword fighting (practicing with wooden sticks) which could be real handy IF you plan on getting in a fight in a billiards club...

Autumn in South Korea is beautiful indeed! Too busy with marking to enjoy it...but I found these pics from almost exactly a year ago when we went on a faculty trip. Me; Christine yang; our Japanese teacher, Harada Masao; and Peter Fama and his walking stick in the bottom right corner!
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