Friday, May 13, 2005

Studying Abroad Options for EFL Students

Hey, I was going to ask you earlier, could you do me a favor? A lot of EFL people visit your site right? Would you mind putting up some California Baptist University ACCESS flyer on your page?^^ If you do not mind, I would appreciate it. If it is too corny for me to ask then I will understand. Check out the attachment and let me know.
In Christ,

The Institute of American Language and Culture
California Baptist University
Programming Options
ACCESS Academics
The primary program at ACCESS is the full time academic English program which offers four levels (beginning, intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced) with the ability to enter the program every eight weeks. This program operates year-round and offers approximately 20 hours of class time per week. Students in this program learn the English needed for success in American universities. Students also have the opportunity to take 2 classes for credit in the university along with ESL classes at the high intermediate and advanced levels to ‘Bridge the Gap’ between learning English and studying in university classes.

ACCESS America Study Abroad Program
ACCESS welcomes international students studying in English, American Studies, or International Studies at universities in their home country to experience America through a semester long program at California Baptist University. ACCESS is willing to work with individual students or groups of students from a foreign university to join the ACCESS Academic program, with specialized classes as needed to meet the study abroad students’ needs. Students in this program in the intermediate level or above will also have the option of taking PE classes or other university level classes, based on placement test scores, to integrate with American students and experience the American university classroom.

ACCESS America Summer Program
ACCESS American Language and Culture through an exciting summer experience in Southern California. California Baptist University is located in the heart of Southern California within an hour of Los Angeles, Hollywood, the mountains, the beach, Disneyland, and much more! This 3 or 4 week summer experience will contain 12 to 20 hours of English language study a week in classes such as American culture, Idioms, Enter the American Community, and other conversational and project based English classes! Afternoons and weekends will be filled with excursions to different tourist attractions in Southern California. Come learn and have fun with us this summer!

ACCESS Specialized English
ACCESS also welcomes business and academic groups. ACCESS will work with group leaders to develop a custom program to meet the specific English and cultural learning objectives of the group. In certain situations, it is possible to combine a custom program of ACCESS language/culture training with seminars given by California Baptist University Faculty in other departments. Please contact the ACCESS Director at to start creating your specialized program now!
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