Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy 11th Anniversary to Frank and Josefina!!!

Smile! You're on Andy Camera! :-) Wow! Frank and Josefina have been married 11 years (to the day on Dec. 24th-Christmas Eve!!!) It was great hearing their wonderful testimony of how God brought them together!!! powerful stuff! May God continue to bless and work through this beautiful, God-glorifying family!

Frank, bearing them presents and bearing His presence!

Josefina's Nativity Scene Collection

These are just some of the pictures that turned out okay and that I had time to take while visiting Frank and his family on Christmas day. Wow! I was thinking that if you're going to have a collection, this is the type to have-nativity scenes! Awesome!



a little closer




I think this is the nativity scene from Peru.


This is a cute one!



Puerto Rican nativity scene

Another nativity scene...I think it's from Puerto Rica too but I'm not sure as I mixed all the photos up. Anyway, Josefina has quite a collection of nativity scenes from around the world including Peru, Spain, Puerto Rico, China, El Salvador, America and Korea!

Puerto Rican nativity scene

Adrian looks pretty calm here but boy did he get excited when he opened this gift and saw the "Starwars Battlefront II Play Station 2 game" good old Dad got him!

Alejandro all dressed up for church. Watching the precious Valentin kids open gifts + church service on Sunday + lunch and fellowship with SIBC members = one awesome day!

If only all dogs came with a robot control!

It's hammer time!

Gabi really loved her "princess gifts" especially the ID card that said she was a princess! It's official now! :-)

Alejandro having some doodling fun on Christmas morning!

Adrian and Gabriella on Christmas morning!

One of the cakes Josefina specially ordered for the children's extended session during Christmas morning service-very appropriate!!!

Never even noticed the Korean style wisemen until Josefina pointed it out to me. They bought this Korean style nativity scene in Itaewon, Seoul. Pretty interesting.

The Korean made manger scene under the Valentin's CHRISTmas tree. (Even Jesus had a Korean face! Reminded me of The Church of Annunciation in Nazareth where there are mosaics from all over the world-each representing Christ and his mother as natives of each land...)

Complete sentence on the bulb: "Christ the Savior is born"

"Call his name JESUS" (Matthew 1:21) The name of the child Jesus (Hebrew: Yehoshua) means "Jehovah Saves". This points to the very purpose of Christ's coming into the world-to save sinners. Placed early in the New Testament, this statement becomes the foundational concept of the gospel. Jesus, by His very name and nature, is the Savior!

"Jesus: God with us!" (in Spanish)

Happy Birthday, Jesus!


The perfect tree decoration for without the cross Christmas has no meaning...

crystal angels

The Wise Men


A closer look...

Christmas morning at the Valentins before the kids got up...

The nativity scene visible to all as entering Frank and Josefina's house.
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