Saturday, October 15, 2005

My other fun Pronunciation Clinic class also had a presentation Friday afternoon. (15-20 minutes long) Woo-Rim (far left) and Eun-Jin (far right) put a lot of effort into their presentation of "the oo sound" (as in "book"). Jong-Ho and Ha-Young were the "bingo kings" of the review game. (And people wonder why I love teaching?! :-))

"Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine..."

So-Young & Yu-Hee spreading some cheer during their well planned pronunciation presentation Friday afternoon. They used "We all live in a yellow submarine" and some other very creative ways to present their topic of pronouncing "the Y sound". Great job, guys! (What a fun class!)


Hosanna scored a perfect 30/30 on our second pronunciation quiz of the semester. Not only that, she always volunteers and does her best to encourage her class-mates. Keep up the great work, Hosanna!
2 of our international students here at Handong University: Yana and Seeyar! This is Yana's first semester here at Handong. Her father is Russian and her mother is Korean. Seeyar is from Afghanistan and this is his third semester here. Welcome to Handong, Yana!! Good to have you with us!!


NOT IN MONEY...Jay Gould, the American millionaire, had an enormous fortune. When dying, he said, "I suppose I am the most miserable man on earth."
NOT IN PLEASURE...Lord Byron lived a life of pleasure and ease. He wrote: "The worm, the canker and grief are mine alone."
NOT IN MILITARY GLORY...Alexander the Great conquered the known world in his day. Then he wept, "There are no more worlds to conquer."
NOT IN POLITICAL POWER...William Tweed became the brilliant boss of Tammany Hall and ruled New York City. He said: "My life has been a failure in everything."
NOT IN UNBELIEF...Voltaire was an infidel of the most pronounced type. He wrote: "I wish I had never been born."
NOT IN POSITION AND FAME...Lord Beaconsfield enjoyed more than his share of both. He wrote, "Youth is a mistake; manhood a struggle; old age a regret."
The answer is simple: In Christ alone.
HE said: "Your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you."
"Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he." (Prov. 16:2)
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