Friday, May 20, 2005

Yes, YOU!

Thank God for Another Day of Blessings!

Today was yet another undeserved glorious day of mercy and grace.
Classes went well. Had lunch with one of my favorite Handong couples, Kirk and Hiun. Ate "Hway something bap" ("Hway" is Korean for "raw fish" and "bap" means "rice". Of course, I added the "something" there. Not actually part of the name, my silly chickadees! ha!ha!) which was an interesting dish I dont remember having before. Very healthy like most Korean food. Lots of good vegetables and rice. They also give you a generous amount of side dishes including Kimchi (OF COURSE! Can't forget the kimchi!) and a special soup to boot. Later, at 6:30pm, I had 6 students from the Graduate School of Simultaneous Translation and Interpretation over for Domino's pizza. They are a great group of people that I never tire of meeting!
Tonight (after laminating some things for class), I headed over to the main chapel for what is known as "All Out Worship" which is scheduled every Thursday from 9-11pm. I CAN'T BELIEVE that I haven't been able to find the time to go over ALL semester! It was such a blessing to be able to sing praises to God in such a free God-centered atmosphere. What's awesome about this time is that those who don't take the Lord seriously (which can be quite a few in the pews on Sunday...) are not going to take the time to come out Thursdays of course. There is a real free atmosphere of praise that truly blessed me tonight. I pray that I will be able to make it there each time from now on! One verse that came to mind tonight as we sang song after song about God's greatness, mercy, sacrifice, power, glory, honor, majesty, forgiveness and love was Psalm 32:
"Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit."
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