Thursday, December 22, 2005

What a BEAUTIFUL Chrismas seal!! This was just given to me by my colleague, Christine Yang- What a sweetheart!

Yeha!! It's official - I'll be working at a 4 week English camp in Jinju!!! Leaving today for a 2 day training session, up to Seoul for Christmas and back down for the camp to start on Monday!

No trip to the Pohang Immigration office would be complete without a photo of the harbor!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the staff at downtown McDonald's in Pohang!

What the "Choco Fudge Muffin" is SUPPOSED to look like...

What the McDonalds "Chocolate Fudge Muffin" REALLY looks like...I wonder if it's a coincidence that "fudge" is pronounced "pudgy" when read in Korean characters...hmm

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! Yesterday was the first REAL snowfall I've seen in Pohang this winter!!! The sun came up after and took care of all the snow in about 20 minutes though...(These are the finished single housing units!!)

As the day came to a close yesterday with a gorgeous sunset so my fall semester here at Handong came a close as well! Marks are in and I'm officially on vacation! YIPPEE!

Dr. Andrew Finch and his wife, Hee-bon, with their "thanks for coming gifts" presented by Mike Stockton on behalf of our department. Our Department bought many copies of his newest book: "Integrating and Assmessment in the EFL classroom"! good stuff!

Dr. Andrew Finch has written many helpful books for language teachers here in Korea. Check them out at

Some of us rom Handong who got to hear Dr. Finch's presentation on "Postmodern Education" (Dec.19th). Quite interesting! Check out his powerpoint presentation at
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