Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

Hard to believe that it is exactly 6 months to the day since my father, Wayne Brown, passed on. He is still greatly missed and greatly loved.

I know of a man in heaven
Who, to some, might seem "out of place".
But my father did not trust in his own works
But leaned wholly upon Christ's grace.
At his funeral, quite a few were bothered
To learn of his late commitment to God.
They would sooner have heard many stories
of jokes, pleasantries and facades.
My Mom asked him, when they were out on the lakeside
If he truly believed he was saved and not damned.
My Dad answered, "I may not be the best Christian
But I'm under the blood of the Lamb."
He's not there for his work or his labor.
He's not there for the things he has done.
He's there cause he accepted God's passport
By trusting in God's only Son.
So, why does my heart still pain so.
Why can't I more plainly see
That my father is not simply gone
But has simply gone on before me.
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