Tsunamis, Tornadoes & Earthquakes....
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good".(Genesis 1:31)
God says to Adam; "Cursed is the ground because of you".(Genesis 3:17)
Dear Colleagues:
One of the most common questions that people ask about God is; "If God really exists, why He allows natural disasters like tsunami, hurricane and the earthquake that recently hit many areas of the world we live?
Let us first remember that suffering and disasters are not part of God's original created order. The Bible says in Genesis 1:31 "and God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good". Secondly, we should acknowledge 'because sin entered the world,' the earth and everything around it has been affected.
One of the most comforting things for Christians to know when facing situations such as this quake in South Asia again is that God has a much bigger picture than what we see in the here and now. Without a doubt, many have been affected by the earthquake but God has promised in His word that he will comfort all those that are hurting and in need.
At times like this, we Christians have to put our resources together and be an extension of Christ to those who are hurting. Greg W., former Professor of HGU, and his family are serving for the victims of Tsunami in Srilanka. Unfortunately, his family is having a hard time suffering from some serious infections and diseaseas, and his mission work is facing a big financial difficulty. The Chaplain's office is planning to have 'Love Offering' at chapels. Let us join and help Greg and his work for the Lord!
[Faculty Devotion]Wed., 8:30 am at Hyoam, the Table
Sermon by Rev. Dae Ok Kim (On Fasting)
Prayer by Prof. Youn Sik Han
Peace be with you!
Pastor Henry W.
(from HGU Pastoral Letter, Oct.11,2005)