Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she, with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teaming shore; Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Daniel and the other Afghan guys came over with Ezra and Daler for pizza and chicken tonight. We watched a bit of "The Hidden Church and the Orphans of Afghanistan" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". I was SO surprised when Daniel presented me with this incredible gift! A golden miniature of the Statue of Liberty with a quartz watch in the base! Thank God for such extremely generous friends!!! WOW!!!
I couldn't believe that Daniel thought of getting ME a souvenir while in New York. He was there during the winter vacation to visit his father who is the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in NYC, USA!

AMEN! "Restore to me the JOY of your salvation", David cried out in Psalm 51.

"Living Stone Fellowship Group"

There are many AIM (Antioch International Ministry) fellowship groups that meet after service at SuYoungRo Church in Pusan. One for parents (single and married), one for Filipinos, one for people in their twenties, one for husbands, and one for young couples just to name a few. I decided to join up with "Living Stone" for 2 reasons: The explanation of their group sounded great (to study the book of Ephesians in a "discussion like setting") and because Michael made a point to invite me directly and he seemed so excited about what God was doing in that group.
We are studying Ephesians, one chapter per week, and will probably move onto another letter in the New Testament afterwards. Our group is "discussion oriented" and centered on learning the Word of God. I love how there is such a diverse mix in the group and I look forward to getting to know the beautiful members (I am speaking of "spiritual beauty" now-Don't get me wrong!) of this great group of people that God has led me to fellowship with.
Lianne (Lee An-Seung) from Pusan

Edwin leading us in worship. Awesome time of fellowship!

Chris from Pusan

Edwin Yang, the "Shepherd" of "Living Stone Fellowship Group". He was SO kind to invite us over to his place for the Bible study which had a great view of the Pusan harbor.

This is Michelle ("Joo-Yeun") who prepared the Bible discussion we had from Ephesians chapter 3.

Martin from Pusan

Michael Kalu (from Nigeria) is the other co-shepherd of "Living Stone". I caught him in a very serious pose here but this man is so full of joy and has a great zeal for life in him!

We ordered out after our Bible study. Great order-FIRST spiritual food THEN physical food!

Kate from Pusan

Kang Joo-Young who is one of the "co-shepherds" of the Living Stone Fellowship group. Great guitarist!
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